Ask CA Governor Jerry Brown to sign laws that impact Sikhs

On blog The Langar Hall, Sundari describes two important bills currently on the desk of California Governor Jerry Brown. These proposals are of direct importance to California’s Sikh community. Public support is needed to convince him enact the bills into law by the end of September:

206039_10151002440702003_1197484710_n.jpgAB1964 – Workplace Religious Freedom Act:  SIGN THE PETITION

If this bill moves forward and becomes law, it will sharply reduce job discrimination against Sikhs and other religious minorities and guarantee equal employment opportunity to all workers in California.


SB1540 – Revised Curriculum Framework: History-Social Science: SIGN THE PETITION

This bill would authorize the State Board of Education to complete the revision process of the History-Social Science Framework for California schools. When completed, this framework will ensure that California students learn about Sikhism and Sikh contributions, thereby increasing appreciation for diversity and reducing ignorance of the sort that leads to bullying and bias.

Read more at The Langar Hall, and then sign the petitions.
