Fresno Police: Piara Singh was targeted for who he was

Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer addresses members of the community during last night's meeting. (source: ABC30)

Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer addresses members of the community during last night’s meeting. (source: ABC30)

“Mr. Singh was targeted because of who he was, what he was wearing, his ethnicity, his religion.”

— Fresno Police Department Chief Jerry Dyer speaks at last night’s community meeting in Fresno, California, addressing the vicious assault of 82-year-old Piara Singh on Sunday. Sikh24 reports that Piara Singh is likely to be discharged from hospital tonight.

According to the Associated Press, Gilbert Garcia, the only suspect, has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and elder abuse charges, and that hate crime charges have not yet been filed.

Read more at ABC30 and the Fresno Bee.


  1. Pingback: Hate-motivated attack on Piara Singh emphasizes need for tracking | American Turban

  2. Pingback: Attacker of Fresno, CA, Sikh senior charged with hate crime | American Turban
