Mashing Up: A Sikh’s perspective about turning anger into hope

List2_071316_EDITEDOur world as exists today feels overwhelmingly negative at times and particularly during this uncharacteristic election season. Recently, it seems as though the news cycle has bombarded us with negative news, and especially so with disturbing acts of violence and slander at home and abroad.

I was invited once again by The Mash-Up Americans to write about how we can both address feelings of anger and channel energies towards a hopeful mindset. I will not claim any expertise nor mastery of these and indeed I struggle with my own emotions at times. However, I draw from the teaching of the Gurus of the Sikh faith, as presented in core scripture (the Guru Granth Sahib) to help.

Sikhism identifies five explicit “vices” — also referred to as “evils” or “thieves” — that pull us away from the Divine. These vices include lust, attachment, pride, greed and, yes, anger. Sikhism acknowledges that we are human beings with requisite human failings, but luckily, our faith also advises us on how to let go of them, too! Here are 7 tips to keep anger from robbing you of hope.

Read the entire post here. Many thanks to writers/producers at The Mash-Up Americans for inviting me to write and share some of this wisdom. If you haven’t read their blog or listened to their (entertaining) podcast, I would highly recommend giving them a read and a listen. Many of their topics address the challenges and experiences living as people of color in America and as such their discussions implicitly connect with the experiences of Sikhs in this country.

